Shenzhen Piesia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
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6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7
6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7

6 * COM 2 * LAN 8 * USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC bit-8 / 10 / 11 Celeron Core i3 / i5 / i7

 Intel Skylake-U/Kabylake-U/Whisky Lag-U/Tiger Lake-U Celeron, Core i3/i5/i7 proċessur tas-serje

 1 *DDR4 SODIMM 260 Sokit

1*Intel I211FI/I225,1*Intel I219-LMGigabit Ethernet

1 * Interface DP ++, interface HDMI 1 * HDMI

6COM2 * LAN, 8 * USB, 1 * HDMI, 1 * MiniDP, GPIO;

Appoġġ għat-teknoloġija tal-ġestjoni remota Intel AMT

【 Provvista ta 'enerġija DC ta' input uniku, provvista ta 'enerġija dc9-36v

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Mudell tal-oġġett



209.4 * 122.6 * 70.6mm


Intel Skylake-U / Kabylake-U / Whisky Lake-U / Tiger Lake-U Celeron, Proċessur tas-Serje Core i3 / i5 / i7


Intel Whisky Lake-U Ċippa Waħda

Sokit tar-ram

1 * DDR4 SODIMM 260 SokitAppoġġ MAX 32GB DDR4 RAM


1 * Intel I211AT / I225,1 * Intel I219-LM Gigabit Ethernet


Abbord HDA ALC662


1 * SATA3.0 1 * abbord SSD  1 * Mini-SATA (agħżel wieħed minn SSD abbord jew Mini SATA)



Interface tal-pannell ta 'wara

2 * LAN 1 * HDMI 1 * DP ++ 4 * COM (COM1 u 2 jistgħu jintgħażlu bħala RS232 jew RS485 permezz ta 'qbiż tal-kappa u BIOS, u com5 u 6 huma RS232)  4 * USB3.1  1 * DC  1 * LINE-OUT / MIC FI  2 * WIFI Interface tal-antenna 1 * interface tal-qawwa tat-terminal Phoenix 1 * DC

Interface tal-pannell ta' quddiem

1 * buttuna ta 'swiċċ ta' malajr 1 * buttuna ta 'reset 1 * indikatur tal-enerġija 1 * indikatur tal-hard disk 4 * USB2.0 2 * COM RS232 (COM3 jista' jintgħażel bħala RS422 / RS485 permezz tal-BIOS, u COM4 jista 'jintgħażel bħala RS232 jew RS485 permezz ta' qbiż tal-kappa u BIOS)  1 * GPIO


Il-magna kollha tiżen madwar 2KG.

6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 supplier6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 supplier6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 factory6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 factory6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 supplier6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 supplier6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 manufacture6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 details6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 manufacture6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 manufacture6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 manufacture6*COM 2*LAN 8*USB Embedded Industrial Mini PC with 8th/10th/11th Celeron Core i3/i5/i7 supplier


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