Shenzhen Piesia Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
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NANO Motherboard

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Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L
Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U 6 * Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard b'2 * DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

  • Proċessur tas-serje Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U

  • 2 * DDR4 SODIMM, Appoġġ massimu 64GB

  • 6 * Karta tal-lan Intel i225 2.5G (Tista 'tagħżel 4lan)

  • 1 * RS232 jew RS485 (port RJ45)

  • TPM2.0 (mhux obbligatorju)

  • Provvista tal-enerġija DC12-19V

  • Parametru
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Abbord Intel 11Th Tiger Lake-U proċessur tas-serje, Celeron, Core i3 / i5 / i7


2 * DDR4 3200MHz SO-DIMM, Appoġġ massimu 64GB


HDMI2.0, 4096x2160@60Hz, Appoġġ għall-wiri 4K


1 * SATA3.0,2PIN qawwa

1 * M.2 Ċavetta-M 2280, NVMe (PCIe3.0 x4) / SATA3.0 agħżel waħda minn tnejn

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L

Intel 11th Tiger Lake-U  6*Lan Industrial Firewall Nano Motherboard with 2*DDR4 64GB Ram TL500NA6L


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