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port doppju in-tel x710-bm2 10gb 2xsfp+ server adapter ethernet pcie riser card pcie3.0 x8 network interface card

  • jadottawIntel x710-BM2 chip
  • 2 x sfp+
  • rata 10gbps
  • provvista ta' enerġija
  • Dimensjonijiet 135.8mm x 69mm
  • parametru
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Intel x710-BM2 chip


2 x sfp+



Pcie bus

pcie 3.0 x8

il-konsum tal-enerġija (max)

appros. 10w

Għoli tal-konnessjoni

konfigurazzjonijiet ta' nofs għoli u ta' għoli sħiħ

provvista tal-enerġija

provvista ta' enerġija

temperatura operattiva

0°c sa 55°c

id-daqs tal-PCB

135.8 mm x 69 mm


appros. 50 g, b'sink tas-sħana approssimattivament. 125 g

Dual Port In-tel X710-BM2 10GB 2xSFP+ Server Adapter Ethernet Pcie Riser Card PCIe3.0 x8 Network Interface Card detailsDual Port In-tel X710-BM2 10GB 2xSFP+ Server Adapter Ethernet Pcie Riser Card PCIe3.0 x8 Network Interface Card manufactureDual Port In-tel X710-BM2 10GB 2xSFP+ Server Adapter Ethernet Pcie Riser Card PCIe3.0 x8 Network Interface Card supplierDual Port In-tel X710-BM2 10GB 2xSFP+ Server Adapter Ethernet Pcie Riser Card PCIe3.0 x8 Network Interface Card manufacturePiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C manufacturePiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C supplierPiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C detailsPiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C manufacturePiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C manufacturePiesia 12th Gen Intel Core Ultra 135u/155u/135h/155h X86 Linux 2*LAN Mini PC Nuc Motherboard with 2*HDMI2.1 2*Type-C factory


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